Issue with print job

Ok getting it now. But if anyone else has issues like i have just turn the screw on the board for the axis that is needed to give it more power.

My x axis is not moving at all. Its like the motor doesnt work at all now

Just tried swapping motors they are fine. Its like its not sending any signal to the x axis at all

Use a version of Arduino 1.0.6 or less to flash the firmware (new versions dont compile correctly).

hey again everyone. ok so i sorted out the issue it was the power that the motors were getting. so i fixed that. now i have another issue. it prints and when it gets to about 7 mm up it starts to move off the heat bed. the bed isnt on the fan is. i have tried to sand it that didnt help at all. any suggestions how to make it stay on the bed with out moving?? also the extruder seems to sometimes stop moving up higher from 7mm and on.


To get good bed adhesion it is best to use a glass plate on top of the heatbed.
Make sure it is absolutely clean before printing.
Also make sure the bed is as flat levelled as possible and the nozzle distance is correct.
If that all doens’t help (can be on tricky parts) use a thin film of glue stick or hairspray on the heatbed.
Blue Painters tape also does a good job.

I don’t really get what you mean here :



the z axis stops raising after 7-8mm

What version of the Arduino IDE did you use to flash the firmware?
Can be a bad compiled firmware issue.



Hy, maybe you have a short or a cable broken.
Did you test all the axes individualy in manual mode to see if they are all ok ?
If in manual mode, your Z axes stops, it means that there is an problem or broken wire. Also, try mesurement of moves 10mm up has to be realy 10mm
Little by little, I’m sure you will succeed :wink:

anyone had issues with these STEPPER MOTOR DRIVER FOR K8200 - 3D PRINTER ??? if so what did you do to fix the issue

Does the log mention that the end-stop for that axis has been triggered?

it just doesnt move or anything doesnt even say itswaiting order.
i did swap the driver with another then that motor worked fine and then the other motor stopped. its like its not sending signal at all