Issue with my K8055 Cards (multiple cards)

Hey guys, been trawling these forums for a while, some great info, so far though i can’t find any answers to my question!

I’ve been using the 8055 card for a sortof network automation system in my house, controlling lights, etc etc. I’ve recently got a second card that ive built and want to integrate into the program to control more devices.

I’m using version 2 of the DLL.

My program is being made in C++ Builder 6. And is quite simple. It uses the 8055 Demo program that comes with DLL 2 and im just adding things in to make it do what i want it to do!

Now, i have a seperate form from the main one, with the button that “Searches Devices”. It reads both my cards, 0 and 1.

Back to my main form and i have 4 buttons setup. 3 control digital outputs 1, 2 & 3 on CARD 0…and the 4th button controls digital output 1 on CARD 1.

Here’s my logic error…

I can turn on and off each output seperatly. So, Turn on Output 1 Card 0, and then turn it off again, then Turn on Ouput 1 Card 1, all good. Turn it off again.

This issue is, when i turn on say, Output 1 and 2 on Card 0, and then turn on Output 1 of Card 1, it also turns on Output 2 of Card 1 also. As if there inter connected. Although for the life of me I can’t see my logic error.

Here’s a snip of the code im using.

So for button “4” it’s:

“DisableOtherFunctionCall = true;
if (LoungeSpeaker == 0)
LoungeSpeaker = 1;
LoungeSpeaker = 0;
DisableOtherFunctionCall = false;”

and for Button 1, 2 and 3 its a variance (changing the D/O number) of:

“DisableOtherFunctionCall = true;
if (GardenLights == 0)
GardenLights = 1;
GardenLights = 0;
DisableOtherFunctionCall = false;”

Now i’ve tried CloseDevice(); after each “Clear” or “Set” DigitalChannel and this shuts the card off and ofcourse won’t recieve any more input!

Im stumped! And have been working on this for hours now !

Can someone point me in the right direction?

Thanks !

Can you try version 3 of the dll (Velleman download section)

VEL982 - Thankyou! That worked perfectly!!! After all that tweaking and staring at the code for hours thinking what am i doing wrong…and that did it!

Just out of curiosity, what could have caused the issue in DLL v2?

Thanks once again, you’ve made me a very happy chappy :slight_smile:

The difference between version 2 and 3 is that version 3 remembers all I/O of the cards. Read the version information in the dll (version function).

For some applications, it could give problems after software failure.