ISO 8.0 broke IPhone app

I upgraded my IPAD to IOS 8 and the VM201 IPHONE app I was using on it no longer works correctly.

The app still connects with the server over the Internet, and still can turn the relays on/off.

However, when you click to set a timer, the pop up identifies the relay number and has a DONE button, but there is no way to set the duration. When you click DONE, the relay sets for one second, the. Turns off.

I deleted and the reinstalled the app. Same behavior.

Thanks for your feedback, we will check with the developer.


Agree with charles, i have exactly the same issue with ios8.



Is there some advance with this issue? At the moment we cannot use vm201 with ios8 if we need to use the timers… :frowning:


We are currently addressing this issue and we will upload a new version of the app soon.
Sorry for the inconvenience.

[quote=“VEL417”]We are currently addressing this issue and we will upload a new version of the app soon.
Sorry for the inconvenience.[/quote]
Now we are of course waiting for a IOS 9 vesion; how about that?

still no answer?