Is it possible to deactivate de test cyclus from the K8063

I have the next problem: I want to send data immediately after powerup and want to skip the segment test and the addresses display.

Sorry, it is not possible to skip the test mode.

Is it possible to send me the source code of the pic file so that we can edit the software?

It is very important that I solve this problem in a couple of days (we are an industrial user)!

Help me please!!

Sorry, for copyright reasons we never supply source code.
If you let us know how many units you would require, we can check if this qty. would allow us to adapt the code to suit your needs.

Now we need 6 displays. For the future we can not predict.

The K8063 is a very straight forward and simple construction. Just make your own software for the PIC and you have all you want: a very neat design and a display that does what you want.

Sorry, I’m sure you’ll understand that for a few pieces we cannot adapt the code.

Dear VEL417

Thanks for your response, but I hope you understand that I need a solution for our customers.
We are willing to invest in programming the PIC controleller, so that is not the problem,
It would be very helpful if you can provide us with the sample code of this PIC, save both of us a lot of time.
Because otherwise you will get a lot of detailed questions via this forum.
is it possible that you or a technician give us a call to following number +31(0)543-472501.

And/or can you provide us any infomation of other organisations/people who can help us with this problem.

We will appreciate the good service of Velleman in this case very much…

Thanks a lot in advanced…

Dear Sir,

As mentioned before, for copyright reasons we never supply source code.
I’m sure you’ll understand that we cannot invest R&D time to modify software to suit special purposes, unless significant quantities are required. To adapt the source code of the software, we need at least an order of 100 pcs. on a single PO.