Intermittent Motion of Extruder Motor

Hi friends,

While printing I realised that, extruder motor doing intermittent motion.
I mean, gears are not rotating smoothly. You can not see it clearly just by visual control. But when I touch or hold the gears gently I feel that it rotates intermittently.
it affects print quality and extruded filament is not continous.

Than I turned to manuel mode, when I set the extrusion speed between 80mm/min and 100mm/min motor rotates smoothly.
But after setting it to 40mm/min, it does intermittent rotation again.
I think it is due to motor driver control parameters.

Speed setting of Slicer was 30mm/s for perimeters and 40mm/s for infill.
I will try printing at higher speed, but I am not sure that it will solve the problem.

And control voltage of extruder motor is about 0,8V. Can it be the reason for that? (There are heat sinks on drivers and cooling them with fan)

Do you have any suggestion for this situation?

  1. The speed setting in slic3r doesn’t mean the extrusion speed.

  2. Turn down ALL your driver voltages to 0.55V. More than 0,6V will overheat them.
    Also the high current (because of the high control voltage) can affect the smoothness of the microstepping.

Definitely start by dropping the motor voltage to 0.55.

I found it also helped a lot to loosen the lock nut on the back of the hobbed bolt so it would spin very easily, and also move the motor back a bit to prevent the gears from binding. The extruder wants to be “looser” than you might normally adjust a moving sub-assembly. A tiny amount of play seems to work better than having everything locked down tight.

[quote=“ichbinsnur”]1. The speed setting in slic3r doesn’t mean the extrusion speed.

  1. Turn down ALL your driver voltages to 0.55V. More than 0,6V will overheat them.
    Also the high current (because of the high control voltage) can affect the smoothness of the microstepping.[/quote]

[quote=“Dr. Vegetable”]Definitely start by dropping the motor voltage to 0.55.

I found it also helped a lot to loosen the lock nut on the back of the hobbed bolt so it would spin very easily, and also move the motor back a bit to prevent the gears from binding. The extruder wants to be “looser” than you might normally adjust a moving sub-assembly. A tiny amount of play seems to work better than having everything locked down tight.[/quote]

At first I had set the voltages to 0.55V but motor power was not enough to turn extruder gear. I had also aranged the gears with a backlash to eliminate sticktion of the gear But it was not solution also. Than I raised up the working voltage around to 0.8V
I am not sure if it will work when turn down it to 0.55V but I will try.

Did you check the large and small gear to make sure they were not to close to each other?

Yes I did.
Last night I have turned down the voltage 0.6V and it can still rotate.
Hovewer intermittent motion also goes on. But i think it is usual for stepper motor. since it is working with step commands.

Try swapping the driver module with another axis.
That will show you if the dirver module is faulty.

If Ichbinsnur’s suggestion does not work (do that first)
Check the bolt that goes through the large gear make sure it’s not to tight.
You may need to check the bearing on the inside to see if it’s turning freely

Can you please check that you can feel intermittent motion while rotation of big gear?
That is just feeling, you can not see it…

I just remembered.
Look closely at the small gear.
I was doing the same thing and after a lot of trouble shooting I found the small gear cracked.
Once I replaced it it worked again.