Intermittend material extrusion

Hi there,

Mayby someone recognizes this issue? Would be a real step in the right direction.
The thing is that the filament is intermittendly extruded. The picture sais it all. It is pretty constant and although the feed wheel keeps tuning the material is pushed out with interval. I’ve tried other material but this doesnt change the image I’ve seen. So I guess it must be a parameter or setting,

Thanks guys

Is the filament tangled on the spool?
Is the large gear turning?
The screw that hold the small gear on the motor is it tight?

[quote=“Wrong Way”]Is the filament tangled on the spool?
Is the large gear turning?
The screw that hold the small gear on the motor is it tight?[/quote]

The filament has all the freedom :slight_smile: also the large gear is turning and I’ve checked the small gear, it is right as well

The spring and the screw that put pressure on the filament.
I had mine to tight and it did some crazy stuff like that.
When you set the reference voltages the manual calls for 0.425
Myself and others have found 0.55 is a better setting.
Do not go over 0.6 this will make the drivers over heat and cause problems.

Great tips, I’ve change the stepper motor voltage and loosened the screw. It helps but it isn’t entirely away so far.