Inevitable XY shifts

It seems that we have to accept that in some cases shifts in x or y-direction are inevitable. This is demonstrated with the objects below (a rotated Fourier series generated graph).

When printing these items as single objects no shifts occur. However, when attempting to print two of these objects at the platform in the same run it wents wrong. Consequently shifts occur at the same height (tree levels). Decreasing the values of acceleration, jerk, speed, non printing speed etc did not help. The shift distances are decreasing, but are still there. Even at very low values of the parameters.
It means that there is quite a large riks that shifts occur in complicated long term objects.

Below the stl file is given in the case that someone like to test this too.

I’ll give it a go on my machine

Print is finished (unscaled) and worked just fine.
So shifting at all, just as i thought.

I can’t imagine there is some “inevitable” shifting.

Well, I am surprised. You have realy printed the two part at the same time?
In general my printer operates fine, but up to now only in this case I can’t print the two objects without shifts.
I have the feeling that it is related to the non printing movements. These movement looks rather fast and seems not very well controlable by changing the speed parameter.

[quote=“merallas”]Well, I am surprised. You have realy printed the two part at the same time?
In general my printer operates fine, but up to now only in this case I can’t print the two objects without shifts.
I have the feeling that it is related to the non printing movements. These movement looks rather fast and seems not very well controlable by changing the speed parameter.[/quote]

The travel speed is not the problem.
What acceleration value have you set?

The lowest accelerations I have tested with were 3000 and 2000 and jerk 10 and 5. Now the setting are acc = 5000 and jerk = 10. With these values no shifts occur when I print a single object.

What are your settings?

[quote=“merallas”]The lowest accelerations I have tested with were 3000 and 2000 and jerk 10 and 5. Now the setting are acc = 5000 and jerk = 10. With these values no shifts occur when I print a single object.

What are your settings?[/quote]

Mine are jerk 15 and accel 9000, but i have modded my machine with a gt2 2mm belt drive with smaller (GT2/16 teeth) pulleys.

Does the gt2 belt and pulleys mean that you have more steps/mm (64.25 with the original belt) and so effectively a more powerfull driving system. If so, how much is the difference.

Ok, I have seen at the forum that the torque is increased with more than 50% with the 16 teeth pulley. No wonder that there are no shifts in this case. What about increasing of the printing time.

I have replaced the pulleys (and belts) by 16 tooth design. Indeed no problem in printing my test case. NO shifts. Nevertheless it means the original design is not reliable and will frustrate many people.
I think my printer is now basically perfect. Now I will pay attention to the fine tuning.