Hi there, is it possible to program the pic16f882 in circuit? In the sheets for the I see 2 pins for ICSP, and the ICSP port on the programmer has 5 pins, but I can’t find anything about those pins. Can someone tell me how to connect for ICSP? Which pins on the board go to which pin on the PIC? And do I need to do something in pickit to make sure it uses the ICSP?
Here is the link to download the circuit diagram of the EDU10: app.box.com/s/at1tux3igzwgir7qbcff
There you can see how the ICSP connector (J4) pins are connected to the PIC16F882.
If you use the EDU10 to program the PIC16F822 on your own board, you have to remove the IC1 (PIC16F882) from the EDU10.
You may also separate the EDU10 left section (PICKit 2 compatible programmer) from the tutor board section and use the programmer section to program the PIC on your own board.