I/O routine for the K8000 card : sometimes errors

i am trying to use a K8000 card, with a VB program, that i can call upon from an GW-BASIC apllication.

but even in CMD this command sometimes works, and sometimes (as in 3 seconds later) not.
i get a popup saying “this is the I/O routine for the K8000 card. This is not a stand-alone program”

tests made on 2 XP machines, with same result.

i get display that it is processed ok, see below,
and on the card the leds LD17 and LD18 flash on, but no outputs are turned on.

C:\K8000>K8000out.exe on1 on3 on5 on7 on9 on11 on13 on15
K8000 Interface application
Processing port (1) - ON (chipNo:0 ,ioChannel:1)… [done]
Processing port (3) - ON (chipNo:0 ,ioChannel:3)… [done]
Processing port (5) - ON (chipNo:1 ,ioChannel:5)… [done]
Processing port (7) - ON (chipNo:1 ,ioChannel:7)… [done]
Processing port (9) - ON (chipNo:1 ,ioChannel:9)… [done]
Processing port (11) - ON (chipNo:1 ,ioChannel:11)… [done]
Processing port (13) - ON (chipNo:2 ,ioChannel:13)… [done]
Processing port (15) - ON (chipNo:2 ,ioChannel:15)… [done]

diagnostic test K8000 program works fine.

K8D.dll and K8E.exe are in the same folder then the K8000out.exe that was made for me , and in the \windows\system32 folder.

all i need is a to be able to shell a command and say “k8000out.exe on1 on 15”

what is wrong ?

Thanks in Advance,


Could you please copy the program code in your post.
It may help to try to solve this problem.

i am sorry, but i do not have the source code, and can’t reach the author shortly.

can i email you the exe (17kb) somewhere ?


Without source code there will be little to find out about how your application works… Also we cannot accept your executable since it poses a security risk; not that we don’t trust you.

i doubt that there is a problem in the source code,
because i am getting good and bad results, without changing anything, without opening any other application.

Just repeating 2 commands alternating after each other, getting the same response on my screen, but with or without error popup and results on the card
k8000out on1 on5 ==> works correct
k8000out on1 on7 on9 ==> works correct
k8000out on1 on5 ==> works correct
k8000out on1 on7 on9 ==> does not work correct, error popup I/O routine for K8000 card.

but I can’t find a predictable way to make it fail…

is there anything else i need to check ?