I installed the 2nd nozzle now it does not feed

I just installed the 2nd print head in my Vertex printer and the extruder will not feed. I swapped ext 1 and ext 2 wires to see if it was the motor and the motor is running so that rules out the motor. I swapped the 1.5 amp driver chips and that did not fix the problem. The firmware was updated to the 2 head firmware. The nozzle does heat up and the extruder says its loading but the extruder does not run. Any suggestions on what to do next?
I did use the old version of Adruino software and the program compiled with not problems.

Check the wiring.
The thermistor goes to the middle green connectors the heater goes to the front 2.
The Extruder motor will not turn until the hot end reaches 170C or above.
When you did the firmware change did you use Arduino 1.0.6 or lower?
Higher versions do not play well with the K8400.
If not you can download it from here.

The extruder is heating up to temp and it says feeding filament but the servo motor does not run. I also used Adruno 1.0.6 and reloaded the firmware and saved it.

When you installed the driver card you mounted it 180 degrees from the others right?
Look in this link.
Pay attention to the part where the driver is mounted.