However, there is the problem that Velleman has this policy to never publish firmware. Not as source code or in binary form, for copyright reasons. Any kind of tutorial, teaching the firmware side of USB communication, would have to show source code. So I wouldn’t expect something like that coming from Velleman any time soon. I am not criticizing Velleman here, I am just stating the facts and what not to expect based on them.
What Velleman won’t or can’t do, we as a community can. We have done this sort of thing for at least 6 months now and Velleman support staff even helped us with some detail information here and there. There is no conflict of interest here.
I think the K8055N is the perfect product to learn USB programming. It has a very capable PIC in a socket. So one can save the original and replace it with an empty one. It has an ICSP header, so a programmer like the PICKIT 2 is all the additional hardware needed to start on the bare metal. The Microchip Application Libraries have all the examples from HID to bulk transfer in source code. I am not a lawyer, but as far as I can tell the Microchip license only requires the software to be used on Microchip devices. Other than that, feel free to do what must be done. This is a solid open source platform for USB and micro controllers. Some of the I/O pins could be used better, but that’s a completely different topic.
The EDU05 would be my next runner up. It has the same PIC but unfortunately in an SMD package without a socket. Once you program that, the original firmware is lost forever. Since the PIC is probably read protected, you cannot save the binary. The LCD however is an interesting aspect that would IMHO make up for it.
If you look at the K8055 Open Source Firmware pages, all the software needed to program either of them is available for free and listed there with links. That is the C18 compiler, the Microchip IDE, the Application Libraries (sample firmware and drivers in source code) and MinGW (for the Windows side). The firmware itself is for the PIC18F2550, but it shouldn’t be too difficult to port that to the PIC18F24J55 on a K8055N.
What is missing are community members showing some interest. J_Holland, who started the K8055 Open Source Firmware, hasn’t visited this forum since May. I know of nobody else who ever compiled that firmware and programmed it into a PIC. Nobody has ever asked a single question related to porting this firmware to the K8055N. Nobody has ever commented on any of the additional features. If there would be at least “some” interest out there, I might even buy a K8055N and port it myself just for the fun of it. I am that kind of person. I love to help because that is one of the ways how I learn. My motto is “if can’t explain it to somebody else, I haven’t completely understood the problem yet.”
If someone really wants to learn about USB communication, a K8055N with a boot loader and the Microchip Application Libraries will get them down to the last bit of it (pun intended). The EDU05 would also be a good choice, but it would be irreversibly altered from the get go. I don’t have a ready to go “solution”. I don’t have a step by step tutorial.
All I can offer is help. I have 5 weeks of accumulated vacation time and for at least 3 of them I don’t know what to do with it. But I have to do something with it until the end of the year and my wife has only 5 days left. Want some of my time? Let me know. First come, first serve.