I can't view my signals in center of the screen

Just bought the new WFS210 and wanted to test on several electronic signal applications.
I am trying to see some signals on both channels with following settings: Time base 1us.div, Voltage 1V/div, both channnels on DC coupling, +Slope for trigger.

My issues is : both signals are displayed on the left edge on my screen on iOS app and as well on a Windows 7 Laptop.
I would like to see both of my channels in the middle of the screen.

I have managed to move the screen to right side, but to the left I can’t because I am on the edge.

Would you please give me some hints on what can I do?

Will try to save a screenshot and attach it to another post.

Thank you for checking this issue for me.

This functionality you described is called pre-triggering.
Unfortunately the WFS210 does not have that functionality.

Best Regards


Trank you very much for your response.
That’s a pity, because I hind this model a very nice product with a lot of added value. Any chance to include this feature on next firmare or apps updates?

Would you please let me know which one of your oscilloscope models has this functionality?
I’m interested to have the smallest and portable oscilloscope connected to PC or iOS app for some field service activities.


[quote]I’m interested to have the smallest and portable oscilloscope connected to PC or iOS app for some field service activities.[/quote]The PCSU200 may be a possible choice. It has pre-trigger function.