HPS50 and the HPS50 software and Win10 64bit - Got it Working Nicely!

I just bought a HPS50 new and love it! I wanted to install and use the Win app also…

In case this helps others - when I simply installed the HPS50 software on my Win10 Home 64bit laptop, then plugged in my HPS50 handheld o-scope, then started the HPS50 software, then “connected”, it connected but the screen did nothing - no update, no showing of the o-scope current settings, etc.!

Note - in the below instructions I’m not going to repeat the user manual, I assume you can read it, and I will assume some amount of Windows experience on your behalf, if you don’t know how to do any of these Windows steps - google it!

So I fiddled and got the software working nicely, it may seem like I did a lot by reading this, but if you’ve ever worked with Com Ports on a PC this is actually quick and simple, here’s what I did:

I did NOT connect the HPS50 to my laptop until AFTER the software was installed, it includes the USB driver and the USB to Serial Port converter, all in the one install app.

Set my HPS50 to Setup/Send/Binary mode, and while there, made note of the serial port communication parameters: 38400 baud/8 bits/No Parity/1 stop bit/no flow control. We’ll need these later…

Installed the HPS50 software on my laptop. Do the install but do not start the app yet, wait until the below setup has been done!

Connected the HPS50 to a USB port and allowed Win to install the drivers.
Note- the HPS50 does not need to be turned on, interestingly, the USB port is live when the HPS50 is turned off and Win detects the HPS50 and installs the drivers, all with the HPS50 turned off.

Went into Windows/Device Manager/Ports/USB Serial Device/Properties/Port Settings and set all the parameters to match the above noted 38400/N/8/1/no flow.

Went into Windows/Device Manager/Ports/USB Serial Device/Properties/Port Settings/Advanced, changed the com port to Com1 (choose Com 1, 2, 3, or 4, whichever you like)(don’t worry about the warning, just use a Com port that is not in use by something else), unplugged the HPS50 and plugged into a different USB port and again changed the com port to Com1 (keep it the same Com Port Number for each USB port), did this again for the 3rd (and last) USB port on my laptop. By default Windows wants to assign a different Com port for each USB port the o-scope is plugged into, now we have told Windows to use the same Com port no matter what USB port the o-scope is plugged into.

Hold the display on the HPS50 - press the Trigger button until the Hold is indicated - the important thing is that the display is in Hold (therefore no data flowing to USB) before doing Connect in the software.

Start the HPS50 software, and do Connect, it will likely show the Com port you setup earlier, if not select it. Now the Connect button should be greyed out, if so the software is “connected” to the o-scope.

Press Trigger on the o-scope to take Hold off, now the screen immediately updates to show the o-scope settings (time base, volts/div, etc.) and shows the waveform, kool!

Hope this helps, have fun!