HPS140 Suitable for Automotive Use?

Hi. I am an automotive technology instructor and am considering using the HPS140i to train technicians with.
Here are some of the applications:

-Piezo fuel injector analog (multiple pulses at approx. 60ms, max voltage peaking at 600v but usually below 300v)
-Hall sensor square signal (approx. 5v output)
-Duty control square signals (approx. 5v output, I do understand I will need to calculate the duty cycle from the frequency signal, but I have no problem with that)
-CAN bus square signals (-2.5v/+2.5v, not sure of frequency but pretty quick!)

I am planning on using the scope as a demonstration tool rather than a diagnostic tool, but there is the possibility that trainees will utilize it for quick checks in the field.

Do you see any problem with this type of usage? Thanks.

Handling the signals should not be a problem, however, make sure to set the probe to ‘x10’ when measuring signals above 100Vp.

Thank you for your response.
I purchased a HPS140, and after a steep learning curve (I don’t have much experience with oscilloscopes) I am quite happy.

I have one question though. Although the scope isn’t that great at viewing complex CAN data signals, it does give and indication of whether the signal is there or not. To make the signal clearer, one can move the trigger to an appropriate reference point.

Here is my question. The trigger indicator on the HPS140 screen actually spans about 3 divisions on the Volt scale. What part of this should I align with the part of the signal I want to use as a trigger? The top, middle or bottom?

I hope you understand this. Thanks.

Not sure we understand.
For extra info on triggering, please check the Oscilloscope tutor EDU06 manual, experiment 8:
Movies for this experiment can be found on YouTube