HPS10 Question


I am new too using scopes so please excuse my maybe dumb questions :slight_smile:

I have bought an HPS10 but I am very confused, I will be using it for audio work, mainly guitar pedals and amplifiers. If I connect the output of my electric guitar to the scope and play a note, I expected to see a wave form, I have the scope set to:voltage - .1V per Div and set the time to 1mS per div. Problem is, I see no wave at all, the guitars all work, the leads work, what am I doing wrong?

I have connected a tone generator to it and seen a 1khz wave so I know the scope and probe work.

Please Help, I really want to learn.

The output of a guitar pickup coil is very low. Did you try 5mV/div ? Even then, the waveform that you see will be rather small. Furthermore, if Iā€™m not mistaken, pickup coils need to see a specific impedance, in order for their output level and freq. response to be correct. Please check into this.