HPS10 LCD compatibility

Could you tell me which LCD controller chip set is used in the HPS10 LCD. I bought the HPS10 from ebay faulty and I’ve now fixed, I had to change the input ADC and a diode or two. Anyway I would really like to upgrade the screen to be back lit - no one seems to sell a back light kit, so I was looking at getting another complete lcd board with back lighting already and just adding a 7805 to run it back light, but I need to know which lcd panels are compatible or what controller chip set it being used.

Thanks very much for you help in advance.

Display used is the PG12864ARS from Powertip.
Please google for datasheet.

Thank you, I was hoping you’d confirm it was the KS0108B controller chip but the data sheet I found said it was. I will get a new backlit screen and try it out and let everybody who’s interested on here know how I got on so they could do the same if they so wish.
