HPG1 Generator

Hi, I got a new HPG1 for Christmas, and noticed when I use the sweep function, I get these little noise spikes in the sine wave. Is this normal?

Can you post a link to a screenshot or movie?
This will allow us to determine if it is normal or not.

Sorry. Here is an image. You will really see it when your scope is under 100mv per division. Doesn’t seem to matter what output voltage the generator is set to. Only seems to be visible during sweeps. Looks like some kind of digital crossover noise or something.

Here is a link to someone else having the same issue. Notice how it looks ok at 2 volts per division!


This seems to be normal behaviour.
As far as we can see, it is only present at very low levels.

That’s what I thought. So you are getting the same thing correct? Can you post an image of your results please? I am seeing this very slightly as high as 600mv’s.

Sorry, I don’t have the time to do this at this time.
Most likely, it is a non desired property of the function generator IC or amplifier that is used in this circuit.
For critical applications, you could increase the level and use a resistor divider at the output.

Ok, I just want to confirm that it is normal behavior while sweeping. You did confirm this on your end. Correct?

Has anyone had anytime yet to verify this problem? It’s been a while. I would like to see what your getting.

Please see our previous posts.
Not sure what extra info you need?