[color=#800000]I have VM201 and I would like to disconnect the Ethernet cable that is connected with the relays as mentiion in the picture. I have one ethernet as a input and one as a output from VM201 tool. [/color]
[color=#800000]When I disconnect all the relays (turn off), my Ethernet connect disconnect for a while and again back to normal state regardless I have the relays ON again or not.[/color]
[color=#800000]My simple question is that how can I use velleman VM201 to disconnect Ethernet connection? [/color]
This is my VM201 connection. One Ethernet cable that I want to disconnect remotely is coming as input in the velleman VM201 and another Ethernet cable as a output going into the the Ethernet port.
I am using web service and disconnect all 8 relays to disconnect the Ethernet connection.