How can I disconnect Ethernet connection usgin VM201


[color=#800000]I have VM201 and I would like to disconnect the Ethernet cable that is connected with the relays as mentiion in the picture. I have one ethernet as a input and one as a output from VM201 tool. [/color]

[color=#800000]When I disconnect all the relays (turn off), my Ethernet connect disconnect for a while and again back to normal state regardless I have the relays ON again or not.[/color]

[color=#800000]My simple question is that how can I use velleman VM201 to disconnect Ethernet connection? [/color]

This is my VM201 connection. One Ethernet cable that I want to disconnect remotely is coming as input in the velleman VM201 and another Ethernet cable as a output going into the the Ethernet port.

I am using web service and disconnect all 8 relays to disconnect the Ethernet connection.


This is not really according to good engineering practice but it could work if you remove the VDR’s on each relay contact.

Can you elaborate your feedback !!

Remove the blue component next to each relay.