Hook up K8055 to java application


I am trying to hook up the K8055 to a Java program but whether a DLL wrapper nor the JNative tool is working.

Creating a wrapper DLL fails because of a linking problem with unresolved external ‘OpenDevice’

When I try to access the OpenDevice method in K8055D.dll with JNative I get an unknown exception.

Is there any documentation about the How-to’s for somebody who wants to use Java?



it is possible to use the k8055 with java, i have been workin on it this week end, with a little help from mike peter!!! i have translated all of the german documents into english if any one would like a copy of the documents please ask, i ave alo particially translated the programming comments.

my email address is samwilson001@gmail.com


I have also used the class written by Wenzlaff and it is an easy to use it to access the K8055. For those who are not able to read German I would recommend to ask Sam (who posted to this thread previously) for his translation of the documentation.

hello i have tried to exe your code and give me a error in open device and the original code of mike go good.could you help me about the problem?

i have some idea of java(1 asignature at university) but for find the problem


i see the ligth in the end of the tunnel. very thanks to Wenzlaff for his code is very complete and easy for the beginers like me

very thanks!!!

now i wath to try to prgram the k8061 with java.if anyone can help me.

