Hi! Connection/FTDI Driver problem

Hi! Connection problem. Repetier can find printer i think but…
motors are not running when i do Manual Control.

When I press Connect-button in Repetier V0.84, it shows Log info:

…has it found the printer? The log info is not:

“FIRMWARE_NAME:Marlin V1; Sprinter/grbl mashup FIRMWARE_URL:http://www.K8200.eu -

…like the manual said. And allso all temperatures are 0 degrees.

Maybe I’ve installed FTDI drivers incorrect? I use Windows 7 Basic 64bit. Computer sais it’s installed correct but the driver has no COM-port name,
the name is: “TF232R USB UART”. ALLSO in Repetier/Printer Settings/Connection I’ve selected port named “Virtual Printer”, so no COM-port.

It’s just when I try to install the FTDI driver manually like: ftdichip.com/Support/Documen … ndows7.pdf
it won’t show up as a COM-port, my computer gives it the name “TF232R USB UART” all the time.
I’ve disconnected from internet, uninstalled the drivers, inserted the printer cable, manually located the downloaded FTDI driver and re-installed… but it still gives my port the name: “TF232R USB UART”.

/Any help please, thanks

Hi anden88,

when you connect the controller board (without the power supply active, just the USB cable) to the computer, do you see two LEDs on the board, red and green next to the USB connector, light up?

If yes, check the Hardware Manager in Windows, you should see an additional “USB Serial Port” in the connections (COM & LPT) section.

In Repetier Host, you selected the virtual printer, which is included for testing purposes. Once the port is visible in the Hardware Manager (and a port number is indicated), you should switch Repetier Host’s Printer Settings to serial connection, selecting the corresponding COM port.


Yes 2 leds are on.
When cable is connected to PC then COM16 shows up in Repetier.
I do select that COM16 (press OK).
Then i connect the power cable.
Then I press “Disconnect”-button in Repetier to connect to printer.

Then i get the following error in the log: “Serial com error:System.IO.Ports.SerialErrorRecievedEventArgs

/so what now?

In the printer settings is the baud rate set for 250000?


No it was not!!!
I changed it to 250000 and now it works, Repetier has found the printer and can control the motors…


Glad to be of assistance.

Enjoy your printer.

Please make sure you have followed the configuration instructions in the usage manual