Help me: K8028 multifunctional dimmer - functions

I red the Velleman K8028 manual for this multifunctional dimmer but still i dont understand how each function works.
For example I would like to use function 2 “Pushbutton dimmer with memory”. For this function this is what I found there “One short press on the pushbutton switches the lighting between “OFF” and the last set light intensity. Keep the pushbutton pressed in (longer than 1.5 sec.) then the light intensity can be adjusted. At the end point of the light intensity the adjustment stops, which allows you to precisely set the min. and max. light intensity.”

Can somebody explain how this works? Okay, I undrestand that when I shortly press the pushbutton it will switch between OFF and last set light intensity, but i dont undrestand how I can adjust the light intensity. Is the light intesity adjustable in steps like 0%, 20%, 40%, 60%, 80%, 100% of the light intensity or?

I have another question for function 3.: "Slow “ON” dimmer:
Enables the lighting point to be slowly dimmed “ON”, from 0 to max. As long as the “INPUT” contact is
closed, the light intensity will continue to increase. After the max. light intensity has been reached, its
condition will remain unchanged. The time that the light requires to reach its max. light intensity
(DELAY1) is set via FUNCTION 14."

So, if I get right… when I hold the INPUT pushbutton then the light intensity will continue to increase. But what will happened when I release the pushbutton? Will the light intesity stops on that level or?

I hope that somebody can help me because this i very important to me because I am using this kit for school purpose. Sorry for my bad english and I appolagize if I create a new topic in the wrong section.

As long as you push, the intensity will increase gradually.
As for slow on slow off operation, if the contact is closed, intensity will increase gradually until it reaches 100%.
Once at 100% it will stay there.
When the contact opens, intensity will drop gradually to 0.

You miss undrestood me…

For function 2.: Pushbutton dimmer with memory
If I hold the pushbutton pressed in for longer than 1.5 sec, then the light intesity will gradually increase or it will increase in steps? And when I release the pushbutton the light intesity will:
a) stay on the current level?
b) gradually drop to 0?
c) will go to max?
d) something else (please write what)

For function 3.: SLOW ON DIMMER (not SLOW ON-OFF DIMMER)
If I hold the pushbutton pressed in, the light intesity will gradually increase. And when I release the pushbutton what will happened with the light?
a) Will the light intesity stay on current level?
b) Will the light intesity drop to 0 (turn off)?
c) something else (please write what)

I hope that you can help me. :slight_smile:

Function 2: gradually increase
When you release it will stay at the current level.

Function 3:
Drop to 0

(As explained in my previous post, I hope everything is clear now)

Thank you very much for fast replying :slight_smile: Now it is much clearer :slight_smile:
Thank you one more time! :slight_smile:

K8028 works perfectly! :slight_smile:
Finally I finished connecting all components to the PCB and today I tested it. It works without any problem.

I want to ask you something… I am 4th grade in high school and to graduate we must do a final work. The subject of my final work is “Regulation of light intensity by push button” which fits very good with working of the K8028. So I bought the dimmer and I will use it as a project (professor allowed me). A few days ago my professor told me that I will have to get a programme code of this fuction (or at least algorithm) to contribute it in the paper work. So, I am begging you for help. Could you please help me with the programm code or algorithm of function 2? I will use the code/algorithm only for this school project (final work). I know that you can’t give away code or algorithm just like that, but I hope that you could help me.

Please if you could send that part of code (for fuction 2) or algorithm to my email: I would be very very grateful to you.

Best regards,