Heaters not working

I have a problem with both my heaters, they were printing fine yesterday however when I turn the printer on today and connect it to pc, it brings up an error that the printer stopped due to errors and that the extruder is turned off, it will let me home the motors and turn the fan on, however will not let me move the motors manually via the keypad on repetier. The temperatures show 0 for extruder and 24 for the bed, it allows me to click to heat them however nothing happens, it generates the error in the log and no lights are on the controller board to signal it has sent the message. I have also tried this on 2 computers with different cables also so I know its not a third party fault.

If anyone can help that would be great.

Ross Wilkes


Sounds like the thermistor for the extruder has an issue.
Unplug therm 1 and check the resistance should be around 100k

Thanks for your help, that was it, it measured nothing when I tested them, turns out a wire had come loose from the solder at the ntc end.

Sorted now, thanks for that!

Ross Wilkes

Glad to help.

Enjoy your printer!