Heated printbed not working

I have just completed construction of a IK8200 and everything works fine except for the heated print bed. The temperature reading is 0.00 and there is no display for the heated bed at the bottom of the Repetier screen as indicated in the manual. I have tried this on 2 different PCs, 1 running Win7 and one on XP, the results are identical.
If I select the connection as Virtual printer then both heaters work but nothing else does.
Any ideas?

Sorted it.
I unplugged the connector from therm2 and re-connected it and it is now working. appeared to be an open circuit on the plug/socket contacts.
Couldn’t see anything wrong with the pins etc.
At least it’s all working now.

Hi there!

I am facing the same problem, and tried to unplug the therm2 but without sucess…;/

paulF, did you had anymore problems??

I’m stuck on this and i can’t find the solution…;(

Hi Ahab,

the Wiring and electronics section has a number of threads on issues related to both heating elements. You should find a lot of useful information there, things to check, and tests and measurements you can do.

For further help on your specific problem, you should at least provide a description, as detailed as possible and including your findings made so far. Since this is not directly related to paulF’s issue, a new thread might be a good idea, too.


Try swapping therm 1 with therm 2 to see if you get a reading in the software for the bed
If you do this means the control board is OK.
Measure the resistance on the plug for therm 2 you should see around 100K ohms
If not measure the thermistor on the bed should be around 100K
If you see an open at the themisistor it maybe bad
If you see 100K at the thermistor but an open at the plug check the wiring

[quote=“Wrong Way”]Try swapping therm 1 with therm 2 to see if you get a reading in the software for the bed
If you do this means the control board is OK.
Measure the resistance on the plug for therm 2 you should see around 100K ohms
If not measure the thermistor on the bed should be around 100K
If you see an open at the themisistor it maybe bad
If you see 100K at the thermistor but an open at the plug check the wiring[/quote]

Thanks for the help guys!..but i’m still stuck in the same problem…;S

  1. I swapped therm 1 with therm 2 and then i got the reading from the software for the bed (bed= 23º). So, the board is ok, right?
    2.When i measure the resistance on the plug for therm 2 it reads 07.0K…then i read the therm 1 and it reads 06.6K (and extrusor is heating fine till the 190º).
  2. The thermistor on the bed is 120K

One doubt: the thermistor needs to be working to the system recognizes the plate and to heat up?

I simply don´t know how to act…damn…

Any suggestion Wrong Way?

Did you measure where the wires come out of the bed?
Those reading don’t make sense.