Heated build chamber

My wife made me this; obviously I would have prefered her being wrapped in it, but hey, you can’t get everything… :wink:

Now, I havn’t made any temperature measurements inside it yet, but the thermal insulation is probably not that impressive; but for me the main issue is really drafts from nearby holes in the garage where the vertex is located, so everything should help… An additional advantage is that it helps on the fumes as well as the dust…

PS. Sorry for the lousy image…

PPS. It is currently printing 6 IKEA LED light holders… :slight_smile:

Update: The thermal insulation is in fact good indeed! After a one hour print the heatbed uses 1A less than usual at the same temperature. And the air is really hot inside; in fact so much I may need to cut some holes where the steppers and electronics are…