Heated bed

Very intersting to read this all. i’ve been thinking of a heatbed for my vertex, because i heard good stories about it. Until now i’ve only printed PLA which, after adjusting the z-height as mentioned earlier, is no problem on the buildtak. however, i have heard a lot of good stories about printing on a heated bed and because i like the handywork, i would like to add it to my machine. Now i hear and see a lot of things here, but a few things are unclear to me still: some people choose an mkII and other an MKIII. what are the pro’s and cons of either? If i use an external power supply can i still use the vertex board for setting the temperature? What kind of temperature is maximum for the buildtak if i am goinging to combine the 2? thats it for now lol, i’m sure more will come later. I’m a mechanical guy but always had an interest for electronics. Meaning i’m an electronic Jon Snow (i know nothing) but really want to learn:) If anyone needs advice on bearing supports or construction strengths maybe i can help :stuck_out_tongue:

Most of it is explained in the Wiki. The MK3 has an aluminum plate and the MK2 is a bare PCB (you can put the glass plate on top of it).

Edit : bad link.

Okay, thank you for the info. Just to get it straight, I’d always need a glass plate?

[quote=“ivor”]Okay, thank you for the info. Just to get it straight, I’d always need a glass plate?[/quote]I have the alu plate and don’t use the glass plate.


i plan to build a heating bed, it is 220x220mm.
I am now printing with one Nozzle but plan to buy the second one in the near future.
Now I don’t know where to mount the heating plate.

If i am right, the home position is the 180x200mm position (see my pictures)

Is the x Home position shiftet to left wenn using the printer with two nozzles?

Thanks in advance!


i have one question.
I bought the MK3 plate with the insulator and other components needed.

Should i remove the Buildtak or put the MK3 with insulator above?


Indeed, the board is furnished with a warmed bed yield.