Heated bed upgrading shopping list?

what do I need for a heated bed upgrade? Help me for my Shopping list please…(I added some Shopping links. I hope this is allowed)
1_ Which heated bed MK3 or FC16C-3/SPPCB(K8200 heated bed, but I can’t find specifications)http://www.reichelt.de/VM-P8200BED/3/index.html?&ACTION=3&LA=446&ARTICLE=138439&artnr=VM+P8200BED&SEARCH=k8200.
2_Thermistor http://www.reichelt.de/VM-NTC100K-1206/3/index.html?&ACTION=3&LA=446&ARTICLE=138437&artnr=VM+NTC100K-1206&SEARCH=k8200
3_Power supply (I will upgrade second Extruder in my Vertex3d Printer. Has Vertex3d printer power supply enough power for all this included the heated bed or should I install an external power supply?). Like this one http://www.reichelt.de/Netzteile-Festspannung/MW-GS60A12/3/index.html?&ACTION=3&LA=2&ARTICLE=148081&GROUPID=4950&artnr=MW+GS60A12
4_ Biggest question: which connector do I need for the heated bed connection to the mainboard heated bed control output. And do I also need any Relais or anything else?

Thanks for your comments


Look at my answer here


You forgot to give a link.

[quote=“Wrong Way”]Raby,

You forgot to give a link.
You have to click on the “here” :wink:

Totally missed that.

I bought everything at http://reprap.me.

That included power expander, MK3 heatbed, cork insulator and thermistor. Additionally you will need a PSU and two connectors for the board; I had something laying around, so I did not buy anything for that. And then you need a soldering iron, shrink tubing, wires, etc, but I guess that goes without saying… :wink: Total price was around 35€.

I use a 6A/20 V laptop PSU which I connected to the 24V MK3 input. It is not super-fast, but on the other hand not super-slow as well (but hey, come on, loooking at 2 hours prints those few minutes doesn’t really matter), but I will upgrade it at some point in time.

Can I get this here in Australia? I found a good store for bedding rushk.com.au/ for Australia.