Heatedbed in software constantly shows 121 C it will not change other then go up if i short the term2 pins. There is no active light on the controller. No matter what i do i can’t get it below that value. i measured the value of the thermister and 94.9.k ohms. I measure the wire brown/red coming from bed to 2 wire connector at controller, value there is again 94.9k ohms. if i short the pins the temp in software climbs as expected up to over 700C other values much more then a short give me nothing still will not go below 121C. I did a reset on controller via reset button no change.
I lost to where to go from here to sovle this issue?
added I know the hotbed is not really needed for pla, but abs yes. I have pla roll only since this is a new printer about a week old not even run a test on it yet.