
I’m getting this message “Printer stopped deu to errors. Fix the error and use M999 to restart!” and one line before, in most of the cases it tells me something like Heatbed MAXTEMP triggered.

I’m not sure, and don’t know if it’s even possible, that when I was trying to fix my shifting problem by tightening the X and Y axis belt I may have broken/damaged one of the thermistor cables from the heatbed.

Once I read a temperature of more than 700, but normally this gets triggered without changing the Bed temperature (or it’s so fast that I can’t see it).

Can you please let me know if a broken wire may be the cause of this? (I’m not sure but I don’t believe the two thermistor wires are touching wach other).



When I press the homing button (The General one for all Axis) it works, but when I move the bed only, some times it triggers that error.

When I try to start a print and it starts to heat up the bed after a few seconds it triggers that as well.


I’m getting this message “Printer stopped deu to errors. Fix the error and use M999 to restart!” and one line before, in most of the cases it tells me something like Heatbed MAXTEMP triggered.

I’m not sure, and don’t know if it’s even possible, that when I was trying to fix my shifting problem by tightening the X and Y axis belt I may have broken/damaged one of the thermistor cables from the heatbed.

Once I read a temperature of more than 700, but normally this gets triggered without changing the Bed temperature (or it’s so fast that I can’t see it).

Can you please let me know if a broken wire may be the cause of this? (I’m not sure but I don’t believe the two thermistor wires are touching wach other).


Yes, the behavior you see clearly indicates an open circuit.
So, broken wiring or Thermistor.

If you are reading 700C this is a short.
Unplug Therm 2 for the bed Therm 1 for the extruder and check the resistance.
At room temp you should see around 100K

[quote=“Wrong Way”]If you are reading 700C this is a short.
Unplug Therm 2 for the bed Therm 1 for the extruder and check the resistance.
At room temp you should see around 100K[/quote]

Whoops! Ma fault!
Wrong way is totally right!
It temp reading is extremely hight it indivcates a short, and if it is against zero it is an open circuit.

Sorry, if i mislead you.