Heat and missplacment and some auther questions

Hello! Im pretty new to this forum and therefore im not sure where to post this issue. I also apologize in advance for my lack of grammar.

Now to the issue.

I got this kit over a year ago and i had some issues when printing or well trying to print, my prints are very rough made also some lines are missplaced. You can clearly see that they are just made of strings and dosent seam to melt together like they should.

After putting the troubleshoting on ice for a while i decided to get an IR-temperaturemeeter to see if my extruder is hot enogth and if this could be the problem to the string issue. In order to see if the IR meeter is correct i tryed it on the bed, where the temperature is correct.

However when mesuring the extruder i found that the temperature is 25 degrees from the program. However when i try to compensate by rising the temperature in the program with thease 25 degrees i get a subtile smoke comming from the head of the extruder. Something is melting or burning but what could it be?

Regarding the missplacement issu im suspect that the strap is moving on the motorgears. Any suggestion on how to strech thease to stop them from moving on the gear?

And finaly i wonder what this spring does. :slight_smile:

Thanks for reading and thanks in advance for help :slight_smile:



[quote=“Steelhammer”]Hello! Im pretty new to this forum and therefore im not sure where to post this issue. I also apologize in advance for my lack of grammar.

Now to the issue.

I got this kit over a year ago and i had some issues when printing or well trying to print, my prints are very rough made also some lines are missplaced. You can clearly see that they are just made of strings and dosent seam to melt together like they should.

The picture is not very clear, but it looks like you extrude too less material.
Check if the extruder doesn’t stall during print and that the filament does not slip or grind on the hobbed bolt.

[quote]After putting the troubleshoting on ice for a while i decided to get an IR-temperaturemeeter to see if my extruder is hot enogth and if this could be the problem to the string issue. In order to see if the IR meeter is correct i tryed it on the bed, where the temperature is correct.

However when mesuring the extruder i found that the temperature is 25 degrees from the program. However when i try to compensate by rising the temperature in the program with thease 25 degrees i get a subtile smoke comming from the head of the extruder. Something is melting or burning but what could it be?
The outside of the hotend is alway a bit cooler, cause the temp reported is measured inside the heater block.
What Temp do you use, for what material?

[quote]Regarding the missplacement issu im suspect that the strap is moving on the motorgears. Any suggestion on how to strech thease to stop them from moving on the gear?
To tension the belt simply loosen one side of the clamps on the X carriage and pull it tight. Hust make sure it’s not overtightened, as that can result in stall.
Also chek if the carriage is movin freely, without noticable force.
Check if the pulleys are tight on the motor axes and that the idler bearing is turning freely.
Set ALL stepper drivers to 0.55V if not already done.

[quote]And finaly i wonder what this spring does. :slight_smile:

I sets the tension for the filament against the hobbed bolt.
A good measure is to tension it, so that the spring is compressed about half way.



Hello Christian!

First of all thanks for your reply! Its nice to see that its possible to get help quick on the forum. Im using PLA as fillament and ive been trying to print on both 190 and 210 degrees with minor results.

Im gonna check the things you mentioned here. Ill make a reply as soon as ive tried it.

Thanks again :slight_smile:

