Ftdi chip template for the PCSU1000

Can someone send me the USB chip template for the FT232BM or the link. I was doing some work on an Ftdi chip and accidentally selected the wrong device and over wrote the FT232BM chip in my scope.

Here is the template for the PCSU1000:

[Basic Details] Device Type=4 VID PID Type=2 USB VID=10cf USB PID=1000 [USB Power Options] Bus Powered=1 Self Powered=0 Max Bus Power=490 [USB Serial Number Control] Prefix= Use Fixed Serial Number=1 Fixed Serial Number=YEL952TL [USB Remote WakeUp] Enable Remote WakeUp=0 [Windows Plug and Play] Enable Plug and Play=1 [USB String Descriptors] Manufacturer=Velleman Product=PCSU1000 [Programming Options] Only Program Blank Devices=0 [BM Device Specific Options] USB Version Number=1 Disable Serial Number=0 IO Pin Pull Down in Suspend=0 Enable Isoch IN Transfers=0 Enable Isoch OUT Transfers=0