After a year of sucessful printing having probs with erratic extrusion - not helped by the dire design of the thermister location. Thinking of getting a e3d hot end (currently version 6?).
Has anyone had experience of doing this? Have found a thingiverse adapter design ( assuming I can print it). Is there an adapter available commercially?
You can use kuraasu’s holder for the e3d. works very well.
I used that myself whe i switched to the E3D v6.
I’m currently reworking the inner extruder parts to get better printing with flex filaments.
Maybe try my part as well and let me know if it worked, or if i can improve it more.
just wondering what material you have used for the adapter ? PLA or ABS.
I have a E3D V6 in house but just don’t know if PLA does the job regarding the heat, with ABS I have not print experience yet.
The e3d hotend does’nt get hot at the mounting point.
The fan cools it down to almost room temp, down to the last fin of the heatsink.
Would be nice if you can tell me if the mount worked for you.
I’m still trying to improve it.
Maybe i have to completely change the extruder, cause the big distance from the hobbed bolt to the hotend nozzle
the flex filaments are likely to bind in the guide holes.
[quote=“Guzzler”]Okay, I could not find a clear answer on that on the Thingiverse examples.
Thank you, I will give it a try.[/quote]
Would be nice if you can tell me if the mount worked for you.
I’m still trying to improve it.
Maybe i have to completely change the extruder, cause the big distance from the hobbed bolt to the hotend nozzle
the flex filaments are likely to bind in the guide holes.
I’ve read all I can find on forums and am confused. I’d assumed tha e3d was a direct replacement for the Velleman hot end with the exception of having to find a 12v supply for the fan and providing a small adapter.
1 Several posts suggest replacing the e3d thermister and/or heater block with the Velleman one - to me that rather defeats the object of the exercise
2 Mention made of necessary firmware changes and other software mods. If true how? when?
Is there a summary of how to effect the change and what is involved?
If you use the velleman heater (15V type) with the E3D hotend there is nothing to change in the firmware.
The thermistor used by E3D is same type as the velleman, so no change needed.
If you want to use the E3D heater which is powered from 12v (which id did) you may need to set
PID_MAX to a lower value in firmware. That throttles down the power to the heater cartridge to
prevent large overshoot in heat regulation.
I set mine toPID_MAX 180 and it still heats faster then the original, but regulates well.