Filament not load

My Printer (Vertex 8400) dosn’t load the Vellemann Filament automatic. The heating Temperatur 210°C is well. But i can’t see a rotation of the motor for forwarding the Filament.
I’ve already checked if the cable Connection are ready.
Thanks for your Support.

Is the driver inserted correctly?

I’ve installed the the newest driver from internet.

I mean the stepper driver. The module you plugged in the motherboard.

Make sure the orientation is correct

I’ve checked all connections and directions again.
But the filament loading works not.
When the heating temperature (210°C) level is reached, then i hear a short sound of the motor.

First check if the reference voltage of the Extruder stepper driver is correct. (check procedure [color=#408040]here[/color]). If it’s OK try swapping the Extruder stepper driver with another one and see if it solves the problem (but in that case one of the axis wont work anymore).

Is the pulley on the motor correctly aligned?
Is it rubbing on anything?
Is the screw for the pulley tight and on the flat spot of the shaft?

I’ve checked this points, but it works not…

Is the motor turning at all?
Did you check the wiring to make sure it is plugged into the correct connector?

Yes, i’ve checked the correct connection.
The motor doesn’t turn when the Temperatur reach 210°C.
I hear only a short sound.
When i push a little bit by the filament cable, i can see turn the motor with pully synchron.

Did you try to run the load procedure without any filament?

Your latest feedback sounds like there is too much resistance for feeding the filament. You state, that you did a proper alignment of the pulleys, so the filament should be easily going through the tube (please crosscheck).
If this is the case, there may be a blocking issue for the driver mount. You may disassemble the extruder block and re-assemble it again, checking for possible blocking points. Furthermore you can do a health check for the electronics by running the load procedure in disassembled state.

For the assembly take care to have the axis of the extruder centered in the chassis hole.

I hope this will help.

Have you checked the reference voltage as Raby suggested?
Have you tried to swap the drivers around to see if you make the failure move?

I’ve checked (like the info) the voltage is 0.9V.
When i’ve connect a other motor, the motor turn not (only a short nois).

Ok what about the second question.
Did you try swapping the drivers around?

Now the Printer works.
I’ve changed the 1.5 V Driver Platine for the Extruder Motor.