False end stop detection

I was unsure which section to post this in as it could be applicable to ‘issues while printing’ and perhaps ‘software issues’. Mods feel free to move if necessary.

I printed my first large part after completing my z-axis upgrade, and encountered a problem 2/3 the way through the print. Between layer 125 and 126 (0f 214) the printer detected a ( echo:endstops hit: Y:101.34 ) this caused the remaining layers to print about 30mm offset from the rest of the job, ruining the job, wasting 5hrs of print time, and 7mtrs of filament!

I spent all afternoon yesterday printing small test cubes and such, making fine adjustments to the newly installed z axis, and tweaking Repetier settings to fine tune overhangs. The printer never missed a beat. Print quality is much better after the upgrade, and now only a nozzle upgrade will allow me to improve further. I never encountered this problem prior to upgrading the z axis either.

Things I did that may have contributed to this false y axis endstop trigger. Due to additional electrical load on main board.

Increased z axis motor voltage to .55v (due to the new lead screw being 3mm pitch/extra load ect)
Over ride auto fan control in Repetier (fan now runs at 100% after the third layer)

Do I just put this down to a glitch? Do the endstop micro switches ever give issue? Could it be I’ve reached the limit of the standard power supply (motors set to .55v, fan on 100%, bed temp set to 60deg C)?

Please feel free to proffer some advise.

I plan on reprinting the failed part again tonight. After testing the printer today, checking all the wiring and printing several small test parts. I have to say the printer performs without fault. I’m loath to setup such a large print again without knowing the cause of the issue, and if it will occur again a cost me time and money.

Many thanks.

I’ve also done this.


Small pieces of foam on the endstop levers, just in case it was a vibration trigger.

See how we go. Hopefully just a one time thing, and tonight’s print is smooth sailing.

I just had a thought.

I have upgraded my firmware to the latest version. I thought read somewhere that the updateded firmware disabled the endstops during prints to prevent the possibility of vibration induced false endstop triggers?

Can someone from Velleman confirm this please?



I’ve just set up the print to run for the night. I’ve confirmed that the endstops are indeed disabled during print. I fiddled with the endstops while printing and it did nothing. Not even a ping in the log?!? So why did l have a endstop ping, and an interrupted print last time? At this stage I haven’t a clue.

I guess I’ll see how this print turns out tomorrow. For now I’m writing the last error off as a ghost in the machine.