Failure while printing with ABS!

I use the original heater cartrige from Velleman then U dont have to change eprom settings, works fine with E3D[/quote]

The E3D Heater cartridge also works without change.
I Think the Velleman heater ist just a 12V type as well. :wink:

[quote=“3Ddan”]I have now changed to the E3D V6 nozzle, but, and I´m on the final step to make a configuration in a file “configuration.h” I know where it is but i have´nt any clue about what I should change in there?
I also istalled the LCD VM8201 and uploaded version 2 of the drives to the controllerboard. But my printer didn´t like it at all. :confused:

But did’nt find anything about the E3D V6 but those who change to this nozzle did you also changed the heater block or did you use the existning from velleman?[/quote]

What problems did you have after flashing the new firmware?
Something stuck?

btw, if you uncomment the following lines in configuration.h :


you can use repetier host to change all important EEprom settings via repetier.

Most likely you used the wrong Arduino IDE version to compile it.
It only works with V 1.0.6 at the moment. Newer Versions do not compile marlin correctly.
You can find the Arduino 1.0.6 here -> … s#previous



[quote=“ichbinsnur”][quote=“3Ddan”]What problems did you have after flashing the new firmware?
Something stuck?[/quote][/quote]

everything worked fine exept for the motor that controlls the Y direction it had stopped working, and the X direction works but have also been affected of the upgrade.
But I can try to change back to the heater cartridge from velleman and try if it’s get better. :wink:

I’m no bulding my power extender. :slight_smile:

[quote=“3Ddan”][quote=“ichbinsnur”][quote=“3Ddan”]What problems did you have after flashing the new firmware?
Something stuck?[/quote][/quote]

everything worked fine exept for the motor that controlls the Y direction it had stopped working, and the X direction works but have also been affected of the upgrade.
But I can try to change back to the heater cartridge from velleman and try if it’s get better. :wink:

I’m no bulding my power extender. :)[/quote]

If you have something not working after the firmware upgrade you almost sure used the wrong Arduino version to reflash.
Have a look at my previous post.



Okey, I will have a look at it during the weekend. Have lot of things at university now. :wink:

okey when I changed to the original heatblock from velleman and dowloaded the right ardunio, every motion X, Y and Z started worked again normally.
I had one disadvantage, I’ve tried to print the shell to my LCD panel (the top) from thingiverse and when printing just around the walls, after 5 layers the printer creates just smooth wires as wall, don’t really know what happens. also the extruder motor seems to have it really heavy when feeding.

I also wonder about heater, if it’s possible to power it from my external power supply 24v that is for the heatbed, if i maybe connect it to my power expander or fix one more expander.
The reason why is because when i tried to change to ABS the heather wouldn’t rise the temp to 245 degres. I think it is because of the fan because without it i could reach 245 degres easily.

haha my printer starting to drive me crazy with all the problems I get, but it’s in the same time really funny. :wink:

Hi, the E3D V6 has a smaler heating area that the fliament runs through and people have found that you need to raise the extruder temperatue to work properly, try going up in 2 deg steps, you shouldn’t need more than an extra 10 deg.

so lets say around 200-205 degres on PLA? because or else i usually print with 195 degres. :wink:

Hi, something like that - the only real way to tell is by doing something like this
You can find some shapes on thingiverse - square is better as it has less gcodes per layer - I would set bottom to at least 1 layer to ensure the shape sticks - if you know roughly the temperature range you can use smaller changes.
I do this for each roll of filament and write on the side as I have about 5 or 6 colours on the go at any time.

it worked better when I raised the temp to 205 degres. I will post a video here.

still looks like it’s going to heavy for the extruder. Make notice at the extruder gear foragers or how I should explain it…

[quote=“3Ddan”]it worked better when I raised the temp to 205 degres. I will post a video here.

still looks like it’s going to heavy for the extruder. Make notice at the extruder gear foragers or how I should explain it…[/quote]

Did you set the voltage on the stepper driver for the extruder to 0.55v?
It looks it looses/skips steps somtimes.
Another cause can be, that the gears of the extruder are engaged to tight.

I use the stock extruder with my v6/3mm hotend without any such problems, even with 60mm speed on a .35 nozzle.
Only thing i did was cutting the teeh of the hobbed bolt a little deeper with my dremel, to get better grip.



Aha okey I haven’t set extruder motor to 0.55V I can do that.
All my motors are set to 0.425V for now.

[quote=“3Ddan”]Aha okey I haven’t set extruder motor to 0.55V I can do that.
All my motors are set to 0.425V for now.[/quote]

Better use 0.55v on all axes, works much more stable.



Hello again! I think I have manage to get everything to work no also my power expander works now with the controller board. :slight_smile: finally. :wink:

Only one thing I wonder about now is the bed. When the printer finishing a job he doesn’t cooldown the bed it only cooldown the extruder. Do I have to write a sort of code in g-code list in order to shut down the bed printer is finished.

[quote=“3Ddan”]Hello again! I think I have manage to get everything to work no also my power expander works now with the controller board. :slight_smile: finally. :wink:

Only one thing I wonder about now is the bed. When the printer finishing a job he doesn’t cooldown the bed it only cooldown the extruder. Do I have to write a sort of code in g-code list in order to shut down the bed printer is finished.[/quote]

Add this line to your end g-code to turn off the Heatbed:
M140 S0 ; Disable heated bed

