After the 8203 upgrade my extrudermotor is turning backwards.
I have controlled the wiring of the motor and it seems all right to me.
I noticed Repetier V.0.90.C is advised but,
this version does not work at any function with my k8200, and seems useless.
It does connect my com port but, thats all.
So I went back to Repetier V1.6.1
I have the V.2.3. firmware installed with Arduino 1.0.6. and I have tried newer Arduino versions too.
Have reset my eeprom.
All other functions seems quite right exept the extrudermotor
Further I want to say that I’ve noticed that only one time the leds on the board were flashing during the upgrade.
In later try’s the leds did not blink and Aruino texted “Upgrade stopped, time out”.
The 8203 extruder needs to have a couple of adjustments made in the firmware.
If you built the 8203 according to the instructions, the motor will spin in the opposite direction from the stock extruder. To reverse the motor, open your Marlin project files in the Arduino IDE and edit Configuration.h to look for the following line:
#define INVERT_E0_DIR true // for direct drive extruder v9 set to true, for geared extruder set to false
Change ‘false’ to ‘true’ (or vice-versa) to reverse the motor.
The direct drive extruder also uses a different STEPS_PER_UNIT setting, so you will need to also change the following line:
#define DEFAULT_AXIS_STEPS_PER_UNIT {64.25,64.25,2560,150} // default steps per unit for ultimaker
The last number before the closing ‘}’ sets the resolution of the extruder motor. For the 8203, this should be set to 150.
The LEDs should flash during download. If you got a ‘timeout’ error message then the download failed. It sometimes helps if you press the reset button on the controller board right before you start the download.
Many thanx for your reaction,
the extruder motor is spinning the right way at this moment.
As soon as possible I pay attention at the resolution settings in the way you said.
You will hear about the results when I’m done.
Most time, the leds do not flash during firmware upgrade.
Only once or twice, I saw the leds flashing.
Does it mean that I must keep try upload untill I had a upload with flashing leds?
I think its a bad thing Velleman is so uncomplete with know how about several things.
Thanks a lot for your help
b.t.w. I’ve noticed this post is a little offtopic, sorry for that.
Will look better next time. (hope the gods forgive me)
The resolution setting shoud be uploaded now (I’m not 100% sure the upload did come true).
I don’t notice any changing in print quality yet.
I was looking arround for good Slic3r PLA 1.75 settings but can’t seriously find good ones.
On the internet are enough pics printer with k8203 who looks much better than my prints.
Keep practice should be the answer I think.