Extruder temperature varies wildly - what's wrong?

OK, something is clearly wrong. Please have a look at these temperature graphs for my last print, using Repetier Host and Cura. You can see the temperature is jumping about all over the place. I don’t remember it ever doing this - can someone else please post a screenshot of their temps while printing PLA?


@Velleman - If something has failed or isn’t working properly (thermistor, heating element?), how do I know which to get replaced? It gets worse the longer it prints:


Until the nozzle eventually starts to block and the flow gets disrupted.

Looking at the graph and your description kind of makes me think you have a loose wire going from the heater to the connection on the print head board or maybe one of the connectors is loose on the control board.

Obviously wrong. I’d check the wires of the heater block. Isn’t one got loose on the heater board? Or else the wires from the controller board to the heater board.

Yep, loose wire! Phew! Thanks. Actually I think that must happened with my first print using the black PLA.

Glad to hear everything is OK.