My printer with the SOD-27 style axial leaded thermistor was reading about 20 degrees low at working temperature, so a set temperature of 190C was giving more like 210C. I had a miniature PT100 sensor that I could mounted on the heater block for actual readings. I saw someone else on the forum mention a similar error, but can’t find that posting now.
The first thing I did was set the cold extrusion limit lower in Marlin, but even then I was hitting the limit when performing filament tests.
I had a stand alone temperature controller to hand, so today I hooked it up to the PT100 and to the heater via a solid state relay and a transformer. Using this I was able to get thermistor readings at 25C, 160C and 220C to feed them into the thermistor table generator available from;
I added a “table 8” in thermistortables.h and changed the extruder sensor to type 8 in configuration.h
Now I have readings between the Repetier and the pt100 that agree within a degree or so.
Maybe I had a rogue thermistor, or perhaps it really doesn’t match table 5 well.
Just in case, I’ll post my table here;
{ 488 , 300 },
{ 519 , 295 },
{ 552 , 290 },
{ 589 , 285 },
{ 628 , 280 },
{ 670 , 275 },
{ 717 , 270 },
{ 767 , 265 },
{ 822 , 260 },
{ 881 , 255 },
{ 947 , 250 },
{ 1018 , 245 },
{ 1096 , 240 },
{ 1181 , 235 },
{ 1274 , 230 },
{ 1376 , 225 },
{ 1488 , 220 },
{ 1611 , 215 },
{ 1745 , 210 },
{ 1893 , 205 },
{ 2055 , 200 },
{ 2232 , 195 },
{ 2427 , 190 },
{ 2640 , 185 },
{ 2874 , 180 },
{ 3129 , 175 },
{ 3407 , 170 },
{ 3710 , 165 },
{ 4040 , 160 },
{ 4396 , 155 },
{ 4780 , 150 },
{ 5193 , 145 },
{ 5633 , 140 },
{ 6102 , 135 },
{ 6597 , 130 },
{ 7115 , 125 },
{ 7655 , 120 },
{ 8212 , 115 },
{ 8781 , 110 },
{ 9357 , 105 },
{ 9934 , 100 },
{ 10506 , 95 },
{ 11066 , 90 },
{ 11608 , 85 },
{ 12128 , 80 },
{ 12619 , 75 },
{ 13078 , 70 },
{ 13503 , 65 },
{ 13891 , 60 },
{ 14242 , 55 },
{ 14556 , 50 },
{ 14834 , 45 },
{ 15078 , 40 },
{ 15290 , 35 },
{ 15473 , 30 },
{ 15629 , 25 },
{ 15762 , 20 },
{ 15874 , 15 },
{ 15967 , 10 },
{ 16044 , 5 },
{ 16108 , 0 },