About a month ago I’ve been able to print 2 parts. While the quality was rubbish i was pleased i had been able to print at least something. After those 2 prints, the extruder didn’t seem to extrude enough material anymore. At the moment the extruder does nothing at all anymore.
-I’ve checked the voltage on the stepper driver (0.34)
-I’ve checked if the wiring is correct (wich i expected to be right because i was able to extrude before)
-I changed the Extruder and Y-axis on the main board and the Y axis did move when i tried to extrude manually in repetier. Then i tried to move the Y-axis manually in Repetier but the extruder motor didn’t do anything more than make a humming noise.
-If u turn the extruder wheel by hand it extrudes and moves very easy.
I’m thinking the motor might be broken but if there are other thing i can try to fix this before buying a new motor, please let me know