Extruder Squeaking on Retraction

For a while now, whenever my extruder retracts the filament, it makes a squeaking sound. It gets really annoying when printing small things with a lot of retractions and despite being as annoying as it is, I can live with it. What I can’t live with is not being able to remove filament. The automatic filament removing feature on the printer does not work (seen here: https://youtu.be/MfrDvFuNf84) and I can’t remove it either after removing the Bowden tube and pulled on it as hard as I can.

I thought that the issue might be related to the section of the Bowden tube inside the hotend, so I removed the entire hotend (with the filament still inside.) The only way I was able to remove the filament was by removing the isolator and pushing the filament through the rest of the way. The filament was not stuck in the nozzle, but was loose inside the isolator and could be slid up and down, I just couldn’t get it out without removing the nozzle. The filament lodged inside seemed to have a slight bulge at the end, but that was it for irregularities. I then replaced the nylon tube inside the isolator, thinking that it might be too short and the filament was bulging up inside of it but with a new tube it doesn’t seem to have gotten better.

Any ideas on what might be causing this?

  • Andrew

Try setting the retraction to 4mm speed to 110

How do I do that?

It seems to be a bit of the same problem that i had.
I could neither load nor retract my filament, and this because that the filament was filled up
between the PTFE tube and the nozzle.

you can see how my PTFE tube looked like at the link below (pic2).

i made a new hot-end to solve it.

dropbox.com/sc/0axb4ely21q5 … sC2Yl1fl_a

(you may see the thread ‘unwanted retaction’)

[quote=“8660jan”]It seems to be a bit of the same problem that i had.
I could neither load nor retract my filament, and this because that the filament was filled up
between the PTFE tube and the nozzle.

you can see how my PTFE tube looked like at the link below (pic2).

i made a new hot-end to solve it.

dropbox.com/sc/0axb4ely21q5 … sC2Yl1fl_a

(you may see the thread ‘unwanted retaction’)[/quote]

I took a look at it, and that is exactly what the top of my nozzle looked like as well. I like your new hotend design, however I don’t have the tools to make one myself. Any other suggestions on solutions or other materials for inside the isolator?

Hello Andrew.

One of the biggest issues with the hot-end is cooling, and the easiest way to do this
is to force the air from the fan to the hot-end without the air is cooling the objekt you
are printing, i could tell you to print it, but - - -:).
Before i made the alu-shield to the fan, i couldn’t reach temperatures higher than 240 deg.
some times less.
i hope this will resolve it for you, at least for some time. Then check it regularly and
change the PTFE tube if required.

We can hope that Veller makes an update soon, to resolve this problem :).

(By the way, you can change the retraction in cura configuration under print and then extrusion)

Regards Jan

Of cource it is Velleman there has to make an update, hopefully, and not Veller.

By the way thanks for liking my design :).

One of the best things with my new design is when i switch to a different colour, it is clean just after loading the new filament,
where it before took several layers before the new colour was clean.



In the Slicer tab Configuration
Extrusion tab you will find it under Retraction Speed and Retraction Distance

[quote=“Wrong Way”]Andrew,

In the Slicer tab Configuration
Extrusion tab you will find it under Retraction Speed and Retraction Distance[/quote]

Sorry for the delayed response, I’ve been busy the last couple weeks. The settings change seems to have fixed the squeaking. However, I feel that even though the problem seems to be fixed, the root cause remains untreated. I’m going to continue printing things and see if it goes back to how it was before. If it does, I’ll get back with more information.

I am having some similar problem

After about 25-35 hours the nozzle gets clocked in the chamber at the top of the insulator. It takes about 20 minutes to dismantle the extruder from the XY block and put it back together again.

Other posts suggests printing at a lower temperature, doe PLA as low as 175C, my guess is that it would extend the available time of printing, but I’m a bit concerned about lowering the temperature - especially for a job that long.

Building an air guide for the smaller fan is a much greater way to ensure it doesn’t get too hot. I’m thinking of printing something similar to your design, only you bolted it directly to the hot-end, so I have to figure out something else.
I had no idea that the smaller fan was meant to cool the insulator, maybe just moving the fan will solve my problem.

Go to Instagram @cphnerd to see a picture of the clocked insulator
