Extruder moves up 1cm before printing

At first I was using repetier V0.95 and now I uses latest version. Every time I want to print, the extruder moves to the home setting and than moves 1cm in Y direction. When the print starts it moves back, but instead one big blob of PLA in the corner of the printbed I got a blob somewhere halfway between corner and object and sometimes blob is inside object -_-.

I cannot find in slicer settings nor repetier where to chance this. I find it is odd to move up 1 cm, heats up to 190 degrees and moves back when the print starts.
This occurs both with Slic3r and curaengine. I see that this line of gcode is responsible: G1 Z5 F5000 ; lift nozzle Is it safe to remove this? I dont want my nozzle trying to press into my glassplate

Or does anybody know how to turn this off?

Normally this settings is located in the slicer settings ‘start-gcode’.
