Extruder motor going forward and backward

Hi !

I modified a K8200 printer changing the extruder in order to make a liquid deposition modelling (LDM) printer (I used this idea: thingiverse.com/thing:482873).

I have the following problems (I list them in the order of severity):

  1. The motor from the extruder goes forward (normal) but also in the reverse way as you can see in my video: youtube.com/watch?v=JSZZSNO … e=youtu.be
    Why it happens this and how can I make the motor to go just in the forward direction? LDM printing can not work if the motor goes in the opposite direction…

  2. How can I make the printing start if the temperature did not reach 190 degrees? I mean I want to remove the extruder sensor temperature

  3. What should I modify in the software in order to remove the extruder heater (physically removing of the extruder) and the printer to work ?

Many many thanks,