Extruder 1&2

I have a problem with both extruders. Extruder 1 dus not heat up. The display shows 0.0 degree and a red LED nearby the wire connection on the PCD lightens.
Extruder 2 heatens up very quickly above 300 degree, but shows in the display only 26 degree. The extruder holder is burned and melted as well as the printing sheet.
What did i do wrong and how can I repair it?

I can imagine this kind of behaviour if there are several failures the same time:

  1. the temperature sensors of the extruder 1 and 2 are swapped on the main board.
    -> Temperature reading of extruder 2 is made by temperature sensor of extruder 1

  2. The temperature sensor on Extruder 2 is not linked correctly

  • Temperature reading of extruder 1 is giving 0°C

Now, when heating up Extruder , the heater is fully powered over all the time, while the temperature reading on extruder 1 says always: too cold.
-> extruder holder burns.

Since the temperature sensor of extruder 2 is not working, the firmware is protecting the extruder and is preventing the heating up of extruder 1.

Please crosscheck and check with Velleman for replacement parts.

Extruder 2 had a burned and melted Hotend. I bought a new hotend and when mounting the thermo sensor broke. I placed a new ticktet, and i waith for the answer.
Extruder 1 still not heating. I have tried several things. swapping the power boards, swapping the heaters.
Status now is that when Loadloading filaments nothing happens even when I push the manually the filament near the hotend.
Swapping extruder 1 to the position of extruder 2 gives the result that the SD reader does not read the SDcard. the SD card was visible when Extruder 1 was installed in position 1.
I don’t know what to do else.
Firmware version 1.4
Wires correct connected.
Mechanically OK and adjusted OK

When you updated the firmware did you use Arduino version 1.0.6 or lower.
The newer versions do not work on the K8200 and since I use that for my K8200 I also use it on my K8400

I used the latest version of Arduino . I have only a K8400 printer. The display on the printer shows version 1.4.
The problem occurred with version 1.1
I do not think that the version has anything to do with the version firmware. It is the hardware.
The faulty thermo sensor of extruder2 caused the burning and melting of the hotend.
I need a new thermo sensor.