Extra fan instead of heated bed... Uh?

Yeah, I know it is a bit crazy, but…

I have this Vertex, without a mainboard, and this K8200, with only a mainboard.

What changes in the vertex-m1-v1.4-h1 sketch is needed to use the K8200 mainboard instead of the K8400 one?

And how do I change bed heater to FAN1_PIN?

Oh yes, I have looked at both schematics (K8400 - where can I find the one for K8200?), H and CCP files.
Also compared these between vertex-m1-v1.4-h1 and firmware_k8200_v2.3_marlinv1.

Help highly appreciated!


I found the K8200 schematics here:
reprap.org/wiki/3Drag_controller … ard_Images