On multiple scopes WFS210, we get the error ‘write file function failed error 121 or 22’. Do you have an idea what could cause this error?
We work with the software for windows and usb connection.
On multiple scopes WFS210, we get the error ‘write file function failed error 121 or 22’. Do you have an idea what could cause this error?
We work with the software for windows and usb connection.
Are you using any special hardware like a USB hub, USB to ethernet adapters, etc. or is the WFS210 connected directly to the computer?
Does this happen after a while, or do you get no communication at all?
No special hardware, same error on every usb port. WFS210 is directly to computer.
It happens after a while 30 seconds-2 minutes. We do get communication.
Happens on channel 1. Mostly, using the other channel results in error free working.
Could you post a screenshot of error?
To what is the ground of the probe connected to?
Best Regards,
how do i add an attachment?
You can’t. But you can provide a link to like a file sharing site or so
We suspect that the ground of your probe is connected to the same ground as your computer. These grounds should be isolated from each other. If they are not completely isolated, it can cause the WFS210 to behave unexpectedly.
They are isolated from eachother. WFS is on USB and rectifier is behind a transformer.
Can you change settings, and are these settings being applied?
Thus far, we are unable to reproduce the problem. Did you use any specific settings (V/div, etc.) to perform this measurement?