Error:No Line Number with checksum, Last Line:40

Dear Sirs,

I am running Repetier-Host version 0.94C on a Laptop running Windows 7 64 — My G-code is: K8200fannozzle.gcode.

And when I “RUN JOB” I get these mensages:

22:49:29.974 : Error:No Line Number with checksum, Last Line:40
22:49:29.974 : Error:Line Number is not Last Line Number+1, Last Line:40
22:49:29.975 : Resend:41

Serial COM error:System.IO.Ports.SerialErrorReceivedEventArgs

And breaks the connection to the printer.

Can you help me?

Thank you.

Best regards,

Did you configure your printer settings? (Baud rate, etc.)


Yes. I have done according the k8200 manual.

Best regards,


I have managed to run the jobs without mensages of errors.
I moved the laptop and machine batteries far away and the communications errors disappeared.

Thank you.
Best regards,