Error in sample program for the VMA 301 RTC

IN the DS1302_Serial_Easy - Example I am getting an error on the first lin in the Main / Loop:’’

tmElements_t tm;

Compiler " ‘tmElements_t’ was not declared in this scope"

C:\Users\xxx\Documents\Arduino\libraries\DS1302RTC/DS1302RTC.h:98:27: error: ‘tmElements_t’

when I look in the header filer I do not find tmElements_t.

I have tried to find the time.h file, but can noever locate the Arduino native libs, is it in there, even though the Compiler is looking in the DS1302RTC.h?


In case anyone has the same problem - I gave up on getting any support with Vellemen and was able to get a more generic DS1302 library to work.

I agree on that. My solution (after googling a LOT) was: