Error: Connected command waiting4

Hi folks,
Upon construction of our kit we were able to obtain two successful printouts and were quite satisfied. The next day we attempted a printout and receive a message : “Connected command waiting 4”. We went over all the settings, tried it with both a mac and a pc, ensured the USB was recognized and functioning in each situation (evidenced by the fact that each system faithfully set up a VCP when USB connected). I’ve poured through your forums and tried each piece of advice to no avail. The one thing that did perplex us (being technologists) is the power supply specs, under “details” on the web page, specify 12V at 3 amps but my included supply is 15V at 6.5A. My supply varies between 18 an 15V…it actually cycles once a second, reminding me of an unloaded switching power supply. Is this normal? If power supply not used, and board just powered by USB, it still doesn’t respond…same aforementioned error message. Any help would be appreciated, and if there is some way of not having to send my board from Canada to Europe I’d appreciate an alternative

Commands queuing is a typical symptom of a defective power supply, since as you say, without power supply the symptoms are exactly the same.

Please contact for a replacement. Mention your problem and your contact details.

Meanwhile, if you have a lab power supply, you could try using that to power the K8200. This will also prove if the power supply is at fault.

Thanks folks for answering so quickly. My problem was very straight forward once I saw the schematic you had posted online. I replaced the power supply with a modified PC supply, with more than sufficient current on the twelve volt output. All worked instantly well. The schematic shows a very straightforward reliable design, as expected, but the one I downloaded from your site does not seem to be current to the board on my machine. One example would be the stepper driver circuits, as no chopper control pot is shown on the schematic. Not a dis in any way folks, just wondering if you had an updated schematic. It would help me troubleshoot any future situations as they arise (NOT that I’m expecting any …ha…ha). We’re still very impressed with the kit and its open concept allows us to repair and modify if necessary. Quick hint for other users…Repetier software, upon clicking the “connect” button, will show a confusing status of “connected” on the status line, even if the main power supply is disconnected. This is due to the USB chip being powered by the USB line, and it reports its USB connection status which is not the same thing as being able to talk to the Atmel CPU. The CPU is powered by the main supply so the supply must be valid and on to talk to the CPU. We were embarrassed that one threw us off for a few minutes…ahemmmm.