Error after upgrading firmware

I installed the k8204 upgrade since today.

but after updating the firmware the x and y carriage stops working, the X stepper motor is stuck but I hear em though, the y motor does not work and I do not hear it

I have placed the X terminal on the z on the motherboard and then it does work, with y the same but does not work on Z.

after i changed the x and y the stepper is stuck

I even tried to change the stepper drivers separately tested in z they al work.

eeprom reset I have already done, but does not help.

I also flashed back the firmware in the meantime but does not help.

does anyone know a solution?

Which arduino version did you use?


That’s the issue!

Use arduino 1.0.6, as the newer version doesn’t copile the firmware correctly. (might be a library issue)



[quote=“ichbinsnur”]That’s the issue!

Use arduino 1.0.6, as the newer version doesn’t copile the firmware correctly. (might be a library issue)



thx Christian problem solved

Nice to hear!

Happy Printing!

