Err maxtemp (739 degrees) : Sensor broken?

I just finished assemebling the printer (Vertex K8400). But after loading the correct firmware, the printer shows a temperature of 739 degrees.
I guess the temp sensor is defect, for if I disconnect it, the reading is unchanged.
I’ve measured the resistance of the (disconnected) sensor, which read 12kOhm. I would think it to be infinit with a broken sensor?

Am I correct in assuming the sensor is broken, or could the problem be somewhere else?

KR Ferry

Hi Ferry

At 25 degree Celsius temperature the thermistor R should be close to 100KOhm, Your measure indicates that the thermistor is malfunctioning.

A bit ashamed…
During assembling, I’ve apparently switched the wires of the sensor and the heater…
I found out when I disconnected the sensor plug on the main board, and the reading turned to 0 degrees.
The temperature reading is fine now.