Edu10 and MPLAB X IDE V3.55

I installed the edu10 on a Win 7 Pro 32 PC.
It works with the included program PICKit 2 V 2.61.
As I understood, the edu10 kits emulates the microchip PICKit 2
I tried the Microchip MPLAB X IDE V V3.55 as suggested in the documentation, to be able to program the PIC in C.
I followed the instructions in your documentation “How to open and run ASM with MPLAB X”
Each time I try to Make and Program device or Turn VDD on with a program loaded with PICKit 2, I get a communication error.
I searched the Microchip site for a solution, but could find it.
The only thing I found is with the Config/Hw tool in Yellow means : Untested equipment / beta version.

Can you show me how to use MPLAB IDE X and MPLAB XC8 compiler with the edu10 ?
Or versons of those softwares wich fully support the edu10 ?

Thank you

[quote=“Jean-Paul”]Can you show me how to use MPLAB IDE X and MPLAB XC8 compiler with the edu10 ?[/quote]It seems that the EDU10 works with the MPLAB X IDE v3.51.
As a test I opened the project EDU10.X included to the download package.
Here are the settings used:

Now EDU10 also tested with MPLAB X IDE v3.55.